Friday, July 19, 2013

Altered Boxes - Just having some fun!

 Morning Everyone! Happy Friday! I decided to have some fun and alter some boxes for Nicole, Ashley and myself. First things first.. the mod podge and some cheesecloth! 
 Now a layer of Gesso
 Now this was the fun part! I took out my suitcase full of nick nacks and goodies and began to glue
things down. The fun part is, nothing has to match because it's all going to get a layer
of Gesso. I showed Hubby and he says "They look good like this, why would you want to paint them white? I don't get it". Ryan comes home and says the same thing!! These boys just don't understand creativity! lol

 The first layer of Gesso goes on. Now this is going to take a few times to cover all that color!
 Voila!! The finished products!! 
This one is Ashleys. She is an artist, so her's has a little paint brush on it. 
 This is Nicole's. She loves music, so her's is filled with music notes and other goodies.
And mine. Full of all kinds of fun stuff!
This is what the front of the boxes look liked when they were done. 
I painted the sides brown and glazed them with some copper. 
Then I glued a little something on the front just for that little extra somethin somethin, lol.

Hope you enjoyed this little tutorial. It was certainly a fun project. 
I got to use all those little leftover bits and pieces!
But.. the suitcase is still full, lol.. maybe another box for someone?
I did ok gluing and gessoing everything white, BUT
when it came time to spray I panicked, lol. I did love
how they turned out though. I hope the girls love them
as much as I do!
Have a wonderful day everyone and enjoy your weekend!
I'm off to the lake for a week, so see you all next Friday!

Thanks so much for stopping by. I love reading your comments and I appreciate your scrappy support! Have a wonderfully happy scrappy day! Lynn


  1. Wowwwwwwwwwwww! These are absolutely GORGEOUS!!!!

  2. Love this Lynn! It's gorgeous! I'm so going to try over the weekend!

  3. Oh wow Lynn, there is so much of gorgeousness going on here. So so creative.
    {Doing Life – my personal blog}

  4. These are absolutely gorgeous! Beautiful job!

  5. You are so creative! I love how they turned out with gesso!

  6. so so beautiful, turned out amazing!

  7. Love them and I'm sure the girls will also, have a great week away.

  8. Oh my this is soooo awesome love it wat you did :}

    hugs carla

  9. Wow! Gorgeous Lynn! Love them!

  10. This is so beautiful, Lynn! Amazing altered project!

  11. Just amazing Lynn .... in awe at the way you have done this, looks amazing.

  12. Sooooo pretty Lynne! I love that cheesecloth and gesso combo ...gorgeous texture!


Thank you so much for visiting and taking the time to leave a comment, I really appreciate it. Lynn