Saturday, December 5, 2020

Stolen to Wear His Crown - Harlequin Series December Blog Tour


Stolen to Wear His Crown by Marcella Bell

Mina has a doctorate in biological science and is interviewing for a position on the Kings council when she is literally taken hostage, dragged down the aisle and is told she is marrying the King of Cyrano. What? How could this happen? Why would the King want to marry her?

King Zayn has found out he must marry a woman whom he does not even know much less love because a betrothal his father made with a village commoner. This is the last thing he needs or wants, yet he finds himself at the altar marrying a complete stranger.

When Zayn and Mina are forced to be together, to attend events and visit the families private island, maybe this agreement made between their fathers was not such a bad idea after all.

I thought this was a witty, well written novel by Marcella Bell. We had a strong, smart beautiful heroine and an utterly handsome rich hero. Together, with the banter and attraction between the two, it was a fun read. I really loved Mina’s experiences as a queen and how her world changed in an instant. Thank you so much to the author  Marcella Bell, Harlequin Publishing and NetGalley for an advanced copy of the book to review. It was fabulous! All opinions expressed for this review are unbiased and entirely my own.


Author Bio: Marcella Bell lives in the mostly-sunny wilds of Southern Oregon with her husband, children, father, and three mismatched mutts. The dry hot summers and four distinct annual seasons of the region are a far cry from the weird rainy streets of Portland, OR, where she grew up, but she wouldn’t trade her quirky mountain valley home for anyplace else on the earth. As a late bloomer and a yogini, Marcella is drawn to romance that showcases love’s incredible power to transform.

 Purchase Links:

·         Harlequin:

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Thank you so much for stopping by the farmhouse. Lynn


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Thank you so much for visiting and taking the time to leave a comment, I really appreciate it. Lynn