Wednesday, August 5, 2020

Cowgirl Next Door - Book Review

Jilly has beaten cancer and now she has taken on the task of being a foster mother to three small children. They can be trying at times, but Jilly is committed to giving them structure, love and a home. Things are starting to settle when she gets a call about how her children are tormenting her new neighbor.

Noah has been living in isolation since a tragic accident left him blind years ago. He is fine being alone and only communicating with his assistant who works remote and his mother. When his new neighbors’ children start ringing his doorbell non stop, he has no choice but to report them. Why can’t the neighbors control their children?

When Jilly finds out what her children have done, she rounds them up and makes them go apologize. The stubborn neighbor wants nothing to do with her or her children. When he finally opens the door, Jilly comes face to face with her childhood rival, a man whom she thought was in her past. This is just what she needs, a stubborn recluse who does not like her or her children.

Jilly and Noah struggle to become friends, but soon the children start growing on him when they are fixing the damage they did to his home. As they work on their friendship, both Noah and Jilly start opening up about their pasts and find they have quite a lot in common. Noah starts to realize just how lonely he is and Jilly wonders if she is ready to trust someone again. With the help of three mischievous children, they become friends and maybe there is a spark that they both can’t resist.

I absolutely love Lacy Williams writing style. She has a way to bring the reader right into the heart of the story. What I really loved was how she had the characters from the previous two novels play supporting roles in the story. Lacy also does a great job in filling in the back story, so if this is the first book you have read, you can easily catch up. But….and there is a but….the first two novels are ones you don’t want to miss, so grab a copy of  “His Small Town Girl” and “Secondhand Cowboy” as well. This series is heartwarming and all about second chances at love.

Thank you so much to the author Lacy Williams for an advanced copy of the book to review. It was fabulous! All opinions expressed for this review are unbiased and entirely my own.

USA TODAY bestselling author Lacy Williams is devoted to bringing her readers heartwarming love stories about cowboys and the women that tame them. She is the author of over forty books, including the acclaimed Wyoming Legacy and Snowbound in Sawyer Creek series. Her books have been nominated for the RT Book Reviews' Seal of Excellence as well as finaled in RT's Reviewers' Choice Awards. She has been a puppy parent almost her whole life and often writes with one of her dogs snuggled in her lap. She is a mom of four and spends her non-writing time buried under piles of laundry and dishes. Find exclusive reader bonuses by visiting her website

Thank you so much for stopping by the farmhouse. Lynn

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