Tuesday, August 4, 2020

The Love Scam - Book Review

Rake Tarbell is a rich playboy who wakes up after a night of partying in the city of Venice. He has no idea how he got there and cannot figure out what has happened. He heads outside to clear his head and runs right into a woman who presents him with a little girl named Lillith, whom she claims is his daughter.

Claire has found Rake Tarbell and is determined to introduce him to his daughter.  She thinks it is funny how confused Rake is when he meets the little girl. Claire has all the answers Rake is looking for, but will she help him find the truth. How far is she willing to let the game go when someone starts following the trio?

This was a cleverly written novel that has lots of whit and humor in it. I will say It took me awhile to really get into the story, but it did provide a good story in the end to cuddle up with. Thank you to the author MaryJanice Davidson,  St. Martin’s Press and NetGalley for an advanced copy of the book to read and review.

Thank you so much for stopping by the farmhouse. Lynn

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Thank you so much for visiting and taking the time to leave a comment, I really appreciate it. Lynn