Friday, July 31, 2020

Well Girl - Book Review
Well Girl is a book that I think we all can gain some insight from. How many of us suffer from the “I’m not good enough” syndrome? The pressures of being thinner or prettier? Trying to live up to the images in magazines and television? Well Girl………. Jami Amerine has the answer and it is not found in a magazine. It is found in your soul! God tells us over and over how we are made perfect in His image, how we are loved and cherished, but do we believe Him?  How could He love us with our imperfections and those extra pounds?  He does friends and in this book, you will go on a journey of self discovery and transformation. 

Jami Amerine is real, she is raw, and she is honest. Her journey will bring you to tears, and it will also make you giggle. With a touch of sass, you cannot help but fall in love with her and her story. She is someone who is there right along with you. She is a breath of fresh air and insightful. 

Thank you so much to the author Jami Amerine, Barbour Publishing and NetGalley for an advanced copy of the book to review. It was fabulous! All opinions expressed for this review are unbiased and entirely my own.

Thank you so much for stopping by the farmhouse. Lynn  

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