Thursday, July 30, 2020

The Friendship List - Book Review
Ellen Fox, pregnant as a teenager, is now in her thirties and is a single mom of a seventeen year old boy named Cooper. She seems content in her life focusing on her career and her son, but is that all there is? Does she want a relationship? She has not had a boyfriend since highschool, and now her son seems hesitant about leaving her alone when he goes to college. He has been her life, but that is about to change.

Unity Leandre is a widow of three years and is still in mourning after losing her husband. She is determined to hang onto his memory and the life they shared. She is focused on her handyman business and her friends are the people in the retirement community she does work for. She says she is content, but are her friends seeing something she is missing? 

After a fight, Ellen and Unity vow to come out of their comfort zones and make some changes. The each make a list, and the winner has to pay for a spa weekend at a resort. 

When Ellen heads out on a college tour with her son and his school friends, will she have the courage to check a few things off her list? While Unity stays home, and with the help of her senior friend Dagmar, will she have the strength to check off a few things on her list?

This book was an absolute joy to read. Susan Mallery is a fabulous author. I loved how the characters of Ellen and Unity grew and matured as they went through their lists. There were some tears, a few giggles and the book just leaves you with that feel good feeling at the end. It has all the ingredients for the perfect summer read. 

Thank you so much to the author Susan Mallery, Harlequin and NetGalley for an advanced copy of the book to review. It was fabulous! All opinions expressed for this review are unbiased and entirely my own.

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On Sale Date: August 4, 2020
Fiction / Romance / Contemporary
384 pages
SUSAN MALLERY is the #1 New York Times bestselling author of novels about the relationships that define women's lives—family, friendship and romance. Library Journal says, “Mallery is the master of blending emotionally believable characters in realistic situations," and readers seem to agree—forty million copies of her books have been sold worldwide. Her warm, humorous stories make the world a happier place to live.

Susan grew up in California and now lives in Seattle with her husband. She's passionate about animal welfare, especially that of the two Ragdoll cats and adorable poodle who think of her as Mom.

Twitter: @susanmallery
Facebook: @susanmallery
Instagram: @susanmallery

Thank you so much for stopping by the farmhouse. Lynn

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