Tuesday, December 10, 2013

A is for Art

A is for Art - Whether your a painter, a scrapbooker, a quilter, a card maker. 
This is your Art!

Good Morning!! I had this great idea when I saw a poster on Pinterest of the ABC's. Why not do twenty six canvas's for my studio? A big undertaking don't you think? I've made it my challenge for 2014! And look at me go.. December 10th and I have the first one done, lol. I want to try a new technique for each canvas and I'm pretty excited about this endeavour. I told hubby all about my great idea and he just rolled his eyes..I'm sure that is his way of showing his support!! I'm also trying to learn how to do video tutorials as well. This video is just photos, but hopefully soon I will try out an actual video! Not sure how that will turn out..but hey it's worth a shot right!! So do you have any scrappy or art goals for 2014?? I would love to hear about them!!

Thanks so much for stopping by. I love reading your comments and I appreciate your scrappy support! Have a wonderfully happy scrappy day! Lynn


  1. Wow Lynn, this is awesome! Thanks for sharing the how to. So darn cool!

  2. This is gorgeous! I love love love the colors and the textures!!!!!!!

  3. Wow this really is a huge undertaking. I'll look forward to seeing them!

  4. This is the coolest idea for a project, Lynn! Loved the video and seeing how the magic happens :)

  5. Awesome goal Lynn, and the canvases will look gorgeous in your scrap area!

  6. Awesome canvas and a great idea to practice some mixed media techniques! Your wall is going to look fantastic with all these treasures going up! Can't wait to see the rest as they happen!


Thank you so much for visiting and taking the time to leave a comment, I really appreciate it. Lynn