Thursday, June 20, 2013

I'm movin'.. Come follow Me!

Morning Scrappy Friends!!!

I heard a little rumor that Google is taking away the "Followers" widget when they take away Google reader on our blogs. . If you would like to keep following my blog... you can now do it with Blog lovin'. I know most of us scrappy bloggers are moving in this direction.  I've  tried Blog Lovin and it's a great reader! Hope you all can come along with me!! I would miss you if you left! Just click the button below ( I hope it works)  or the one on the top of my blog! See you all in Blog Lovin' Land!

                                     Follow on Bloglovin

 Thanks so much for stopping by. I love reading your comments and I appreciate your scrappy support! Have a wonderfully happy scrappy day! Lynn


  1. Yep I am following via blog lovin, we shall see what happens to google reader soon!!

  2. Hey friend thank you for let me now I am follow you there to

    hugs Carla

  3. lynn, thanks for stopping in and commenting on my blog, appreciated. Hope your province can recover from the floods soon.



Thank you so much for visiting and taking the time to leave a comment, I really appreciate it. Lynn