Tuesday, April 4, 2023

Homecoming - Book Review

Jess is going home. Nora, her grandmother, the woman who raised her is in the hospital and Jess must get home, back to Sydney. When Jess arrives, she is faced with many unanswered questions about what has happened and why her grandmother is saying things Jess does not understand. When Jess finds a book about one families tragedy back in 1959, secrets long buried start to come to light and threatens everything about Jess’s life.

I loved the premise of this book about one woman's journey to find the truth. The story was fascinating and Kate Morton did not disappoint with this novel. The only drawback I faced while reading it was it was lengthy and I was wondering why the story went into such detail about some of the supporting characters lives that really had no relevance to the story. The upside was the startling conclusion to the story which made it all worthwhile. Thank you to Simon and Schuster for my advanced copy which I read and reviewed voluntarily. I give this one 4 stars.

Thank you so much for stopping by the farmhouse. Lynn

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Thank you so much for visiting and taking the time to leave a comment, I really appreciate it. Lynn