Wednesday, March 22, 2023

Sunset Weddings Book Review

After breaking up with her boyfriend, Lillian is back home on Orcas Island and is ready to begin a new chapter in her life. When her sister Lucy volunteers her to be a tour guide to a new documentary series being shot on the island, Lillian is not quite sure what she has gotten herself into, especially when she sees the star of the show, her high school Ex-boyfriend Dustin. She broke up with him and left him high and dry and has regretted it ever since. Maybe now they can mend fences and become friends again. Things seem to be moving along nicely until her Ex-boyfriend shows up on the island proclaiming his undying love for her, Lucy and Lillian uncover some shady dealings regarding the documentary, and Lillian is arrested. Will she get her second chance with Dustin or will she end up behind bars?

Author Amelia Addler beautifully winds a second chance romance and a mystery all in the pages of this fourth novel in her Orcas Island series. I loved Lillian’s and Dustin’s story. The antics of the Ex-boyfriend and her sister Lucy had me in a fit of giggles more than once. It was also a treat to get to visit the characters from the previous books. You could read this as a stand a lone novel as Ms. Addler does provide some back story, but trust me, you will want to read the whole series. My sincere thanks to Amelia Addler for my advanced copy which I voluntarily read and reviewed. 

Amelia Addler writes always sweet, always swoon-worthy romance and women's fiction stories and believes that everyone deserves their own happily ever after. Her soulmate is a man who once spent five weeks driving her to work at 4AM after her car broke down (and he didn’t complain, not even once). She is lucky enough to be married to that man and they live in Pittsburgh with their little yellow mutt.

Thank you so much for stopping by the farmhouse. Lynn

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