Thursday, August 20, 2020

Harlequin Blog Tour - When I was You - Book Review


When I was You by Amber Garza

 Book Summary from Harlequin:

YOU meets FATAL ATTRACTION in this up-all-night psychological thriller about a lonely empty-nester's growing obsession with a young mother who shares her name.

 It all begins on an ordinary fall morning, when Kelly Medina gets a call from her son's pediatrician to confirm her upcoming "well-baby" appointment. It's a cruel mistake; her son left for college a year ago, and Kelly has never felt so alone. The receptionist quickly apologizes: there's another mother in town named Kelly Medina, and she must have gotten their numbers switched.

But Kelly can't stop thinking about the woman who shares her name. Lives in her same town. Has a son she can still hold, and her whole life ahead of her. She can't help looking for her: at the grocery store, at the gym, on social media. When Kelly just happens to bump into the single mother outside that pediatrician's office, it's simple curiosity getting the better of her.

Their unlikely friendship brings Kelly a renewed sense of purpose, taking care of this young woman and her adorable baby boy. But that friendship quickly turns to obsession, and when one Kelly disappears, well, the other one may know why.

My Review after reading the book.

Kelly Medina is an empty nester, her husband works and lives part time in another city and her son has left for college. All these things leave Kelly with a lot of time on her hands. When she receives a call from a pediatrician’s office for a “Kelly Medina”, she is curious who this woman is that shares her exact same name. Kelly cannot stop thinking about her, so she shows up at the appointment willing to meet this other woman.

Kelly and Kelly become friends, and this is where the story becomes fast paced, and the twists and turns leave you breathless. When the histories and secrets of both women come to light, you are left wondering which Kelly is telling the truth, which one is the sane one and what is truly going on. It is a riveting novel of suspense! I could not put this book down! Thank you so much to the author Amber Garza, Harlequin and NetGalley for an advanced copy of the book to review All opinions expressed for this review are unbiased and entirely my own.


 Amber Garza has had a passion for the written word since she was a child making books out of notebook paper and staples. Her hobbies include reading and singing. Coffee and wine are her drinks of choice (not necessarily in that order). She writes while blaring music, and talks about her characters like they're real people. She lives with her husband and two kids in Folsom, California, which is—no joke—home to another Amber Garza.

Author Website:

TWITTER: @ambermg1

FB: @ambergarzaauthor

Insta: @ambergarzaauthor







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Thank you so much for stopping by the farmhouse. Lynn  


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