Monday, January 23, 2012


This layout is focused on my darling son Ryan! While we were vacationing in Disneyland he would constantly grab Nicole's Minnie Mouse ears and wear them. He thought he looked "so cool" with his pink shirt and sunglasses wearing the ears, lol. This is a hard bunch of pics to scrap! I searched for paper and finally found this little pad of paper from who knows when and thought "why not". I tried to keep it simple, no flowers or flourishes, lol. So after fighting with it all afternoon, I'm done, lol.  I did have fun smiling at the photos! Gotta love my kids. Maybe the next layout will be of my boys with their matching yoda backpacks...yes they really are in their twenties, lol. I used the sketch below from Creative Scrappers for some inspiration! Love their sketches!

Supplies: Unidentified paper, lol


  1. This is cool work with the sketch lovely page cool colors!

  2. Really cute page, Lynn! Love the pink black combo on the white bg! AWESOME!

  3. Love this! So much fun to look at!


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