Tuesday, January 10, 2012

I'm Just Beautiful Me

This layout was chosen as the winner at Scrapping The Music and will now hang in their Hall of Fame! 

After seeing the challenge at Scrapping The Music I thought of my niece Renee when I heard the song. My little niece is being bullied at school. She is going through some tough times right now. We are all supporting her but I just wanted her to know she is so beautiful and we love her just the way she is. My daughter went through a similar situation when she was younger so that's why I did the challenge twice. So...To Renee: I love you sweetie..and your beautiful just the way you are!
Sketch from Basic Grey

Supplies: Basic Grey Oxford Dean's List, Finishing School, Magna Cum Laude,. Basic Grey Oxford Stickers, Misc. Buttons and Maya Road Chipboard.


  1. Gorgeous! Love your inspiration. Sad that so many of our kids have to go through these kinds of issues. Lovely tribute!

  2. Lynn! YOu made TWO layouts for our challenge this week! YAY!!!! I love this one, too! So wonderful that you made such a touching layout for your niece!

  3. She is beautiful as are you her aunt!

  4. Wonderful LO and it goes without saying that she's just the cutest thing ever!

  5. Two layouts for our song of the week !!! I love this one, too.

  6. Two layouts! I can see why...just perfect for the inspiration of the song. This makes me so sad to hear about the bullying. She is adorable and probably a lot of jealousy. You are an amazing aunt to make this layout in honor of her!

  7. I'm so sorry to hear about the bullying! YOur niece is a gorgeous girl!!! I'm so happy you played along with us twice this week!!! Thanks!!!


Thank you so much for visiting and taking the time to leave a comment, I really appreciate it. Lynn