Wednesday, November 27, 2019

DIY Christmas Gnome tutorial

 Good Morning Everyone!! I was in search of a craft idea on Pinterest for my neighborhood craft night and came across DIY Christmas Gnomes! Well...needless to say I was off to the Dollar Store before I finished reading the post lol. These were so much fun to make. I took ideas from a few posts and videos and here is the finished project. If you would like to make some for yourself..I have some basic directions down below! Now....what can I find to do next lol.

Supplies Needed:
(For each gnome)

1 Styrofoam cone 
1/2 mop head or yarn
2 socks
wooden ball or small styrofoam ball
glue gun
decorations of your choice

 Gather up your supplies.

 Take your mop head and cut off the strands. I used about 1/2 of a mop for each gnome.

Now take your sock and slip it over the cone with the opening of the sock ending up at the widest part of your cone. DO NO glue it on, we are going to take off the sock. This step is just an easy way of gluing on your gnomes beard.

Start gluing your strands on your sock. 
*Make sure the heel of your sock is at the back. 
You are going to make 2 rows so start about 
1/2" down the sock. I went about 1/2 way around.

 Start the second row right above the first!

Take your sock off the cone and slip it on starting with
the widest part at the bottom.

 Now... gather your sock around the top of the cone and glue it in place.
 I couldn't find wooden balls, so I just painted
my Styrofoam balls with nude paint and let the dry. 
I used toothpicks to keep the balls in place.
Let's make the hat! Take your other sock and tuck in
the toe. I then tied it with a little piece of twine.
NOTE: When putting the hat on your gnome, make sure the
heel part of the sock is facing the back. I stuffed my socks
with paper towels so that they would stand a little straighter.

* You can leave the beard as is, or you can unwind each strand
(This is a good time to put on a Christmas movie, relax and unravel)

 Glue on your nose and then have fun decorating your gnomes!
These are the three I made. I had some leftover burlap so I made
little sacks, tied them with twine and filled them some dollar store goodies.

I sat these little guys on top of a cabinet
in my kitchen for the winter! Looks so adorable. I made
mine to match my kitchen and I think I will
make some with Christmas socks next.

Thank you so much for stopping by the farmhouse. Lynn

 Affiliate Disclosure: I am so blessed to be able to share and create content free of charge. As an Amazon Associate I earn from qualifying purchases so, please note that when you click links and purchase items, in most (not all) cases I will receive a referral commission. Your support in purchasing through these links is very much appreciated. All the items are supplies that I personally use and recommend. Thank you again for your support.

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